

With children on a trip to Stromovka in České Budějovice

If you are staying with your children in České Budějovice or in its vicinity, you are certainly thinking about where to go for a walk. Maybe you are looking for an environment where you can run, rollerblading or cycling, and at the same time a space where you can let your children run around without fear? In that case, we recommend Stromovka Park in České Budějovice. But it only has a name in common with Stromovka in Prague.

With children on a trip to Stromovka in České Budějovice With children on a trip to Stromovka in České Budějovice With children on a trip to Stromovka in České Budějovice With children on a trip to Stromovka in České Budějovice With children on a trip to Stromovka in České Budějovice With children on a trip to Stromovka in České Budějovice With children on a trip to Stromovka in České Budějovice

Information for visitors

Adress: Bagr, České Budějovice
GPS: 48.97004420, 14.46043140
With children on a trip to Stromovka in České Budějovice map

Interesting facts With children on a trip to Stromovka in České Budějovice

Where can you find Stromovka?

This park is located near the České Budějovice Exhibition Grounds. The northern part of the park is bordered by Na Zlaté stoce Street, the eastern part by Na Dlouhéeadow Street and the southern part runs along Litvínovická and Pod Stromovkou Streets. You can easily find the park itself. All you have to do is turn from Na Dlouhéeadow Street to Kaufland. You can then park your car at Kafland and head to Stromovka itself, which stretches behind this department store.

Stromovka can also be reached by bus or trolleybus, or on foot. It is really not far from the center.

What can you find in Stromovka?

Stromovka is primarily the largest park in České Budějovice. It has an area of ​​68 hectares. In addition to the beautiful nature and the carefully maintained forest park, you will find a variety of footpaths, paths and trails that you can walk freely. The local is very well known pond Bagr with an island, where various smaller events are held.

Sports and relaxation activities

In the park you can use both asphalt and unpaved trails for your walks, bike trips and inline skating.

Parents with smaller children like to use the modern playground with climbing frames, a slide, swings and an ingenious game system.

Older children and adults can play volleyball and basketball on the asphalt courts. Football is also played in Stromovka.

If you just want to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature, you can sit on one of the many benches. Alternatively, you can take a blanket, sit on the cut grass and have a family picnic.

When to visit Stromovka?

Due to its focus and beautiful nature, Stromovka is suitable for year-round use. You can visit here on nice summer days, but just as well in winter, when the landscape is covered with snow for a change. Walking is interesting here in any weather.

For how old children is Stromovka suitable?

Definitely for everyone, no matter the age! With the little ones you can go for a walk with a pram, on paved roads you will be able to walk here even in winter. With toddlers and preschoolers you will use a wooden playground and with schoolchildren and students you will use a playground for basketball, volleyball or football, or you can ride a bike and skates together.

So if you are looking for a place for active and passive rest, be sure to visit Stromovka in České Budějovice.


Author: Pavlína Šustrová