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Holy Mountain near Příbram

Svatá Hora 5The most famous Marian pilgrimage site in Bohemia, a Baroque building of European significance, can be visited in the Central Bohemian town of Příbram. The building, which dates back to the 13th century, is under the administration of the Redemptorists. The original church, built by the Archbishop of Prague during the reign of Charles IV, was extended by the Jesuit order from the beginning of the 17th century to its present form.90

Information for visitors

Adress : Svatá Hora 590, Příbram
GPS: 49.68531610, 14.01752580

Transport connection

Opening hours

Interesting facts Holy Mountain near Příbram

The central pilgrimage temple is lined with a terrace from which four wide staircases descend. The core of the basilica is surrounded by cloisters connecting four octagonal chapels Plzeňská, Pražská, Mníšecká and Mariánská. The cloisters include open passage chapels dedicated mainly to the Virgin Mary. In the spirit of the decorative Baroque style, the area is richly decorated with stucco, paintings, gilding, balustrades and sculptures. The statues of the apostles, saints and the Virgin Mary are also a significant element. The pride of the church is a silver wrought altar.

The area of ​​the Holy Mountain also includes the Marian Column, the sculpture of Calvary and the Marian Well, which was excavated in 1634 by the hermit Jan Procházka of Nymburk. It was gradually deepened to 78 meters.

While researching the history of the Holy Mountain, you may also come across the ubiquitous legend of a knight who was persecuted by robbers and saved thanks to prayer, this time to the Virgin Mary. In this case, it was the knight of Malota, who, as a thank you to the Mother of God, built a wooden chapel, which became the "cornerstone" of a famous and admired place of pilgrimage.

The massive four-hundred-year-old St. Wenceslas Oak, towering by the road leading from the car park to the basilica, is also admirable. In addition to this route, you can also go to Svatá Hora by the covered Svatohorské stairs from Dlouhá street from the city center. Earlier, they used to climb to the holy place on their knees. Although they were closed in one place in September 2013 due to the slump, we hope that the reconstruction will not be a long-term affair. Another variant of the approach is urban transport, and since 2013 the city has also offered a new opportunity to reach the holy land, namely a train ride. You can use it outside the winter months.

The impressive sanctuary is open to the public and, in addition to pilgrimages and services, concerts are held here, for example. In addition to a beautiful spiritual, cultural and artistic experience, you can also bring a souvenir from a local shop. For example, the pendant of St. Christopher, patron saint of pilgrims, or a statue of the Virgin Mary and other devotionals.


Author: Ivana Dondová