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Zruč nad Sázavou - Vlastějovice + Back train

Very easy route suitable for beginner cyclists, families with children or as an afternoon ride. There is a train service for return.

Information for visitors

Adress : Průmyslová 55, Zruč nad Sázavou
GPS: 49.74093060, 15.10381470

Transport connection

Opening hours

Interesting facts Zruč nad Sázavou - Vlastějovice + Back train

First, stop directly in the city and see the local castle with a landscaped park and the nearby Kingdom of Dolls. Those interested can also get a tourist stamp here. From the chateau, continue along the cycle route No. 19 along Malostranská Street away from the city. You will soon find yourself on the bank above the river Sázava near the settlement Vebř. From there, it is already close to the Horka nad Sázavou stop. In addition to the stop, there is also a camp and a guest house. In summer, the camp and thus the whole river is occupied by a number of paddlers. It is not bad to cross the river in these places and go to see the village itself.

You can have a nice relaxing moment at the local castle, which lies a few hundred meters further along the blue mark. In the next part of the route, the cycle route turns away from the river and leads together with the tracks through the open landscape. In front of the village Březina it overcomes a low hill and then clings to the banks of the river again. In Březina, it is also possible to board a train or see the old railway bridge and the short tunnel behind it. However, you have to walk to it, on the tracks.

Continue upstream of the Sázava. The path will take you to a large arch with rocks and cottages along the way, it is a really nice corner of the settlement. As the road follows the course of the river, you don't have to worry about any steep climbs. On the other hand, you will drive directly to Vlastějovice. The castle is worth a visit in this village, if you have the strength you can orient yourself to continue the trip using a signpost right next to the castle. You can also take the road to Budčice, where a well-preserved mill stands in Sázava. The rest of you get on the local bar and let yourself be taken back to Zruč nad Sázavou.


Author: Martina Zapletalová