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Velký Kamýk lookout tower near Písek

You have already traveled a large part of the castles and chateaux of southern Bohemia, you would like to go somewhere in nature, but you have no idea where it should be? Head to Velký Kamík hill, located just outside the town of Písek, and let yourself be pleasantly surprised!

Information for visitors

Adress : Velké Nepodřice 20, Dobev
GPS: 49.31363190, 14.06640170

Transport connection

Opening hours

Interesting facts Velký Kamýk lookout tower near Písek

The Velký Kamýk u Písku iron lookout tower also serves as a transmitter for a modern operator. Velký Kamýk Hill lies above Velké Nepodařice at an altitude of 515 meters, approximately 8 km west of Písek.

The lookout tower with a total height of 65 meters was officially opened to tourists in 2006. Its viewing platform is located at a height of 31 meters above the ground and offers a view of Písek, Brdy, Šumava, Písek Mountains, Temelín and more. Unfortunately, the western side is obscured by forest.

If you go to the lookout tower from Písek, drive to Velké Nepodařice, located about 7 km behind Písek. You can pack your car at the end of the village and continue on foot to the lookout tower for about half a kilometer. You can follow the red tourist sign. You can drive directly under the lookout tower.

The lookout tower is freely accessible and open daily without restrictions.

The lookout tower on Velký Kamýk is a lookout tower of standardized construction, located just below the top of the hill.
T-Mobile started building the transmitter in 2002. The then Municipal Office in Písek set a condition that the tower must also be adapted to the function of a lookout tower. The contractor of the construction became the company EXCON a.s., the author of the project Ing. Vladimir Janata. The cost of building a 72-ton tower then climbed to 9 million crowns.
The official opening of the tower took place on March 23, 2002, but unfortunately no agreement was reached with the supplier, and therefore the tower was closed again as a lookout tower and was guarded by a security agency.

Once again, the tower was opened to tourists only in mid-2006.

The construction of the lookout tower on Velký Kamýk is truly original, for which it received an Honorable Mention from the Czech Society for Steel Structures in the competition for the best completed steel structure in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the period 2000-2003 in the category Bridges, Towers and Masts.

Author: Andrea Štyndlová