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Rovnina lookout tower near Uherské Hradiště

Let yourself be seduced by the view of the Vizovice Hills from the Rovnina u Uherského Hradiště lookout tower and you will not regret it! This iron structure serves not only as a lookout tower, but also as a transmitter of a mobile operator.

Information for visitors

Adress : Uherské Hradiště 541, Uherské Hradiště
GPS: 49.07149600, 17.51318300

Transport connection

Opening hours

Interesting facts Rovnina lookout tower near Uherské Hradiště

It is located at an altitude of 336 meters on the hill Rovnina, about 3 km from Uherské Hradiště to the east. It was made available in 2003.

Its total height is 49.5 meters and the viewing platform is located at a height of 24 meters ad ground. A total of 125 steps lead to it and there is a view of Vizovické vrchy, Bílé, Karpaty, Nízký Jeseník, Pálava or Uherské Hradiště.

You can go to the lookout tower on foot directly from the center of Uherské Hradiště, from where a green tourist sign leads here. An asphalt road leads from the part of Uherské Hradiště-Mařatice from the cemetery. However, its condition is worse, so it is not so passable. Then drive around Javorovec to Mistřice.

During the tourist season, ie from April to the end of October, the lookout tower is open daily and the gallery is freely accessible.

The local hill Rovnina, on which the lookout tower is located, is sometimes also called Rochus. The lookout tower is built on a Eurotel transmitter. Construction began in September 2002, but the company's town hall set a condition that the tower must be equipped with a publicly accessible viewing platform. The total cost of building the lookout tower then climbed to 11 million crowns. The author of the project is Josef Pivoda and the construction was carried out by the company Valpo s.r.o.

The lookout tower was inaugurated on September 16, 2003.

Author: Andrea Štyndlová