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Králický Sněžník

Králický Sněžník is one of the three highest mountains in the Czech Republic and the peak, which received the same name, is with its altitude of 1422 m its highest mountain. The whole massif is located in three territorial units: Bohemia, Moravia and Kłodzko, and this range is today marked by a stone landmark.

Information for visitors

Adress : Králický Sněžník, Stronie Śląskie
GPS: 50.20747890, 16.84753330

Transport connection

Opening hours

Interesting facts Králický Sněžník

Five ranges or ridges extend from the rather flat top of the mountain. In the vicinity of Králický Sněžník there are other mountains, such as Hanušovická vrchovina, Jeseníky, Rychlebské mountains and Orlické mountains. The geological interest of Králický Sněžník is a dense river network, formed by streams with a large slope and waterfalls. The Morava River springs in the mountains, which flows from there through the village of Dolní Morava and is the longest river in Králický Sněžník. From the Czech side, the mountain range flows into the Elbe and especially into the Danube, and on the Polish side, the rivers flow into the Odra.

The whole mountain range is overwhelmingly covered with spruce forests, partly also beeches and firs. The massif is mostly part of the Králický Sněžník National Nature Reserve, which with its area of ​​1740 ha is ranked among the largest in the Czech Republic, and which was created primarily to protect alpine sticks, where important plant and animal species, karst formations and rare animals occur. and plants.

The top of the top of Králický Sněžník offers beautiful views of the surroundings thanks to its flat character and unforested nature. A completely natural-looking pile of stones, located directly on top of the mountain, is the remnant of a stone lookout tower, which stood here between 1899 and 1973, when it was shot down by Polish engineers. Just a few meters away there is a sign warning of the state border that passes through here, and a crossing that is open to tourists on weekends.


Author: Andrea Štyndlová