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Veliz near Kublov

Are you attracted to places that have preserved the atmosphere of mysterious rituals of our ancestors to this day, and do you like to be carried away by the breath of history? Then you can't help but stand at Veliza.

Information for visitors

Adress : Veliz, Kublov
GPS: 49.94602220, 13.88760000

Transport connection

Opening hours

Interesting facts Veliz near Kublov

The round hill near Kublov at an altitude of 595 m above sea level, in the Beroun district, probably bears the name of the pagan god Veles. God of magic, underworld and protector of herds. His idol, which was carved from the oak trunk in 2003 by members of the fencing group "Berounští měšťans" and erected on the back of Velíz, will take you back to the times of Vršovce.

According to legend, they captured Prince Jaromír from the Přemyslid family here. The prince was rescued and his retinue pursued Vršovec. Their leader, Kochan, hid from the pursuers in a cave in the White Rock on Veliza. The ceiling of the cave collapsed in the middle of the 19th century and today the White Rock is more or less ruined. A spring springs near the rock, under it foresters built a small lake.

At the place where he was captured and tortured, Prince Jaromír had a wooden chapel built, dedicated to his patron, St. John the Baptist. In the 13th century, a stone church and a Benedictine monastery were built on this site. Only the church, around which the Kublov cemetery is located today, survived the Hussite looting. From the rectory we can see only the remains of the perimeter walls, part of which is the cemetery wall.

Next to the cemetery gate we find an ugly walled locked well Gotthardka. Spring of St. Gotthard originally sprung under the altar of the church. Shrines built above the spring condensed energy and favorably influenced spiritual attunement.

The cemetery is the last resting place of Leopold Zvonař, the author of the composition Beautiful Bohemia, My Bohemia. She was, in addition to Tyl's and Škroup's work, an adept at the national anthem.

Velíz Hill is a place that offers you its energy, speaks to you in the voice of ancient times and probably has a really positive effect on human activity. It is one of the few places that, although easily accessible, is not a dirty garbage. Whether it is one's self-sacrificing care, or the influence of Veles, who will not allow the desecration of his sacred grove, let us hope and do something to make it a permanent state. And of course not only at Velíz.

Because everything should be in balance, you can extend your pleasant mood, acquired on the hill Velesov, by walking, for a change in the valley. If you follow the yellow sign from the northern part of Kublov, you will reach places called Údolí ticha and you can continue to Žebrák and Točník.


Author: Ivana Dondová