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Hronov - birth house of Alois Jirásek

Who doesn't know the writer Alois Jirásek? Probably just a few individuals. Those who know the name may not have read any of his books, but they must have heard about him in school. One of the data about this personality is her place of birth and the still standing house in which little Alois was born.

Information for visitors

Adress : Jiráskova 90, Hronov
GPS: 50.48194610, 16.18151530

Transport connection

Opening hours

Interesting facts Hronov - birth house of Alois Jirásek

It is located in Hronov near the square and its whiteness is unmissable. It is a low timbered building, surrounded by a park, today with a statue of our giant. Previously, there was a garden in which the spa was located. The local water was healing, more precisely two of its springs - Hronovka and Regnerka, so people from the area came here for healing. However, the spa did not have a vast size. It consisted of only two baths and a nearby well. The Jiráseks made extra money in this way, but it was not their only trade.

There was a furnace inside the building and the family sold its products on days off. Adjacent to this room was only one room, which the future writer demanded as a background for his constant study and writing. It was not easy, as he had eight more siblings; they were cramped in the rest of the dwelling.

Be sure to visit the house. Include it in your schedule if you go to the Teplice Rocks or the Broumov region as such. You look into the face of the modesty with which people lived here one hundred and fifty years ago.


Author: Marcela Horká, Vlastimil Hloupý