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Rybenské perničky

In Žďárské vrchy there is a village with an interesting name Pustá Rybná. If you move in this area, head west from the village and visit the unique rock formation of Rybenská pernička. This protected natural monument is only one and a half kilometers away from Pustá Rybná. Gneiss rocks weathered here due to frost and formed a special rock formation, in the vicinity of which there are boulders.

Information for visitors

Adress : , Pustá Rybná
GPS: 49.70849610, 16.11411110

Transport connection

Opening hours

Interesting facts Rybenské perničky

Perničky are rock bowls
The natural monument Rybenská pernička consists of two rock blocks with walls of different heights - 8 and 16 meters, which can be bypassed from all sides and one of these blocks can be climbed. A rock bench was formed at the top and three rock bowls on it. The largest has a diameter of almost 60 cm and is 20 cm deep. These bowls are called gingerbread cookies and there are various assumptions about their origin. It is said that they may be of artificial origin or that they had some ceremonial function. Streams of boulders, which are located under the rocks, are covered with mosses, lichens and other plants.

The name Perničky can be explained in various ways
Perničky can be derived from the word perna. Perna was the part of the barn where grain was stored and crushed. During the Swedish wars, it is said that the local population was hiding near Perničky, and people crushed grain in bowls and prepared dough for unleavened bread. Pernice is also a bowl in which boiled poppies were rubbed. Another version combines the name with the pagan god Perun and offering sacrifices.

Perničky is also used by climbers
Although Rybenské gingerbreads are not high, the altitude is 748 m, these formations attract climbers. Mountaineering is allowed here only for part of the year and on marked sections. Under spruces, beeches, birches and cranes grow blueberries, sorrel, whisk, fern and blackbird, you can also observe birds. Forest stands are often damaged by icing and air pollution and require partial maintenance. The rubble vegetation is left in its original state.

Author: Helena Syslová