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With children to the Dvůr Králové nad Labem ZOO

Are you currently in Dvůr Králové nad Labem or in the surrounding area? If so, be sure not to miss the local zoo with your children.


Information for visitors

Adress : Štefánikova 1029, Dvůr Králové nad Labem
GPS: 50.43226000, 15.78662000

Transport connection

Opening hours

Interesting facts With children to the Dvůr Králové nad Labem ZOO

By car, bus, train and bicycle

Dvůr Králové nad Labem can be found in the Hradec Králové region, specifically in the Trutnov district. You can reach the ZOO by car, parking is right at the entrance gate.
If you choose the bus, you will get off in the city center, from which you can walk to the ZOO in about 20 minutes.
If you travel by train, get off at the Dvůr Králové nad Labem station. The stop is a bit further away, so expect a longer, about an hour's walk towards the ZOO. In summer you can use the city bus service.
You can also come by bike, which you leave directly at the ZOO in the parking lot.

African animals and much more

Dvůr Králové ZOO focuses mainly on the breeding of African animals, but you will also find animals from elsewhere. With your children you will be able to admire, for example:

- islet with ring-tailed lemurs
- a large aviary with ibises and other birds that can be walked
- Ussuri tigers and other carnivores
- water and bird worlds
- pavilion of elephants with a mammoth model
- Liberian Hippopotamus Pavilion
- primates - orangutans, chimpanzees…
- zebras, buffaloes, rhinos and giraffes
- lions and much more


Children in compulsory school and students will certainly appreciate the paintings by Zdeněk Burian, which will introduce them to the life of prehistoric animals. Burian's images of dinosaurs look really realistic. In addition, you will be able to visit the World of Dinosaurs exhibition with 13 life-size models of dinosaurs and reptiles. You will also be able to admire the 12-meter tyrannosaurus rex.


The uniqueness of the Královédvor ZOO is undoubtedly the Safari, which can be reached by a special Safaribus, from which you will have a view of free-flowing antelopes, zebras or wildebeests. The whole route is about 4 km long and takes about 15 minutes. During it, the driver draws the passenger's attention to local places of interest, phenomena and animals. Due to the open Safaribus (without windows, with seating and on the roof), this attraction is accessible in the summer season and in nice weather.


If you have small children, you will definitely appreciate the possibility of riding around the ZOO by train, which will take you to the gate to Safari itself. Here you can change to Safaribus in summer.


Everything for children

Children can have fun on various climbing frames, swings, in the children's zoo and in other places designed specifically for them. They can also be ridden on ponies. Everything is barrier-free, you will be able to ride here with a pram. The terrain is pleasant, so you can let even small children out and let them cup freely.

In the ZOO you also have several refreshment options - such as U Slonů refreshments, U Nosorožců garden, Rotunda grill, U Tygrů grill. You can also visit local restaurants directly in the area - restaurant U Plameňáků, restaurant U Lemura, pizzeria U Žiraf.

If you want to take away a souvenir, a plush giraffe or a monkey, be sure to visit one of the local shops.

For each

This zoo is generally designed for everyone - for families with children, seniors and school groups. You can take children in prams as well as children of preschool and school age. A trip to the Dvůr Králové nad Labem ZOO will certainly be appreciated by high school students as well.


Author: Pavlína Šustrová