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Kostomlaty pod Milešovkou (ruins)

Take a look with us into the Middle Ages, a time when lords lived in castles, which they adapted to their image. Learn more about the famous castle, which is now a ruin.

Information for visitors

Adress : , Kostomlaty pod Milešovkou
GPS: 50.55415610, 13.87961720

Transport connection

Opening hours

Interesting facts Kostomlaty pod Milešovkou (ruins)

Kostomlaty Castle dates from the first half of the 14th century. It was founded by the lords of Osek, originally called the Hrabišic family. They sold it to Charles IV, who granted the castle to the lords of Žerotín. In 1388, Plichta of Žerotín sold it to Jindřich Škopek of Dubá. During the Hussite wars, Kostomlaty was besieged, destroyed, but not conquered. In the middle of the 15th century, the reconstruction of the western palace was carried out, which was increased by one floor. The protection of the castle was also strengthened by two square, inwardly facing bastions, which became part of the wall of the upper castle. In the 16th century, the castle became uninhabitable for its owners, and since 1606 no one has lived in the dilapidated castle. After the estate uprising, it was confiscated and subsequently bought by the Černín family from Chudenice. At present, the castle is the property of the state and is cared for by the Civic Association for the Rescue of Kostomlaty Castle.

Kostomlaty is an example of a bergfrit-type castle, which is characterized by a habitable round main tower. It served as the last refuge and for defensive reasons was accessible only via an easily removable bridge on the upper floor. The ground floor of the tower had no entrance or other openings and was accessible only through an opening in the ceiling. It served as a prison or warehouse. The castle included two opposite palaces and a fort with farm buildings. The castle had three gates.

According to legend, the ghost of the Hussite governor Jakoubek of Vřesovice, who once besieged the castle, wanders in Kostomlaty. The ghost has a spot on his forehead in the form of a black chalice.

In nearby Kostomlaty pod Milešovkou, the church of St. Laurels with a tombstone. It is originally a Romanesque church, which was rebuilt in the Baroque style in the middle of the 17th century.

Author: Marie Bukovinská