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The district town of Pelhřimov is located at the south-eastern edge of Bohemia and southwest of Humpolec. In the landscape valley between the banks of the river Bělá, the picturesque and ancient Pelhřimov is literally hidden.

Information for visitors

Adress : Palackého, Pelhřimov
GPS: 49.43102000, 15.22334390

Transport connection

Opening hours

Interesting facts Pelhřimov

History of the town

The history of Pelhřimov began in the 12th century, when it was owned by the bishops of Prague, while the founder of the town is considered to be Bishop Pelhřim. According to legend, he stopped at the Belka well during his trip from Prague to Rome, and because the local landscape enchanted him immensely, he decided to establish a city, to which he imprinted his name and called it Pelhřimov. The city emblem, on which the bishop's silhouette shines, constantly reminds of this important person. This event allegedly took place between the years 1225-26, however, the settlement stood here in earlier times.

In 1295, Pelhřimov had to be re-established, this time by King Wenceslas II, who granted this right to Bishop Tobias of Bechyně, after Pelhřimov was destroyed as a result of the bishop's disputes with the Vítkovci. Since the 14th century, the town has experienced relatively great development, among other things also thanks to silver mining near Křemešník and Vyskytná.

The bishops of Prague granted the city a number of privileges, so crafts could prosper here, trade and the market developed. In the years 1446 to 1450, provincial congresses took place in Pelhřimov, in which Jiří z Poděbrad also took part. In 1596, Pelhřimov was promoted to a royal town.

The relatively promising development of Pelhřimov was ended by the Thirty Years' War, when the town was damaged not only by troops but also by fires. Paradoxically, however, it is they who are responsible for today's comprehensive appearance of town houses. After the fires, they had to be re-exhibited and therefore acquired a unified Renaissance and Baroque style. In the 19th century, the industry in Pelhřimov developed richly.

Sights and interesting places

To date, a fortification with two massive Gothic gates has been preserved in Pelhřimov, which together with the chateau, town houses, church and theater form a city monument reserve.

The local Museum of Ghosts and the Museum of the Vysočina Region are also popular with tourists. There is the Leipzig Hall, Gallery M, Church of St. Bartholomew and Křemešník, you can visit the Pípalka lookout tower and see Pelhřimov and its surroundings from a great height.

Author: Andrea Štyndlová