State Chateau Lysice
When bypassing the historical gems of South Moravia, head to the Lysice state chateau. The Lysice estate appears in historical sources as early as 1308. The first owners were the lords of Kunštát, after 1514 the Pernštejn family and in the next 15 years Jan Černičický of Kácov, later Hron Březnický of Náchod, Jan Arnošt Montrochier or Archbishop Jiří Scelepsényi and we could name a number of owners.
Information for visitors
Interesting facts State Chateau Lysice
At the time when the estate was owned by Emmauel of Piati, peasant riots were taking place due to reckless and cruel labor duties. This happened in 1774. The owner ignored the rights of his subjects, even at the time when the patent for the abolition of slavery was issued in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. However, the peasants did not give up hope for a turn for the better and in 1783 the lords stood with weapons in hand. However, the owner quickly summoned an army and there was a cruel bloodshed, when the leadership of the insurgents died during the fight, or they put them in a dungeon for a long time. Dubští, who became successful in economic, social and cultural areas, became important owners. The estate prospered at this time. Thanks to Beneš's decrees, the chateau was nationalized and the first visitors were able to come to see the interiors right after 1947.
At the chateau, they have prepared several sightseeing routes for you. On the first tour, you will go to the first floor of the castle, where you will look at the library of the Austrian writer Marie Ebner - Eschenbach, you will see the oriental lounge, women's suite, collection of weapons and representational spaces. Route B focuses on the second floor of the castle, where you will see a small and large shooting range, guest suites and a private apartment of the last owner of the nobles. You can also enjoy the view of the nice castle garden with a sala terrain, orangery, colonnade. The last tour includes the exhibition halls in the forecourt, where you will find the permanent exhibitions "Castle Theater in Lysice" and "Marie Ebner Eschenbach - woman, writer and playwright".
Author: Petra Nachtmanová