Villages and towns
Tips for trips on portal can be sorted by district, region or favorite area. In this category you choose from the menu Villages and towns. In addition to the description and photos, you will find the exact location of the place.
Beroun - royal town
At the confluence of the Litavka and Berounka rivers, there is the royal town of Beroun, which boasts not only historical monuments, but also charming surroundings, which is the gateway to the Bohemian Karst and Křivoklát region, in both cases…
Just a few kilometers from the border of the Czech Republic with Austria lies Břeclav, a district town with a population of about 26,000 and through which the river Dyje flows. Perhaps for many tourists and readers of our website it will be a surprise…
Brno - South Moravian metropolis
The name of our second largest city and metropolis of South Moravia is undoubtedly known to everyone. It is Brno, a cultural, administrative and historical center, an important traffic junction, extending in a picturesque region, which today has…
The district town of Bruntál can be found in the Low Jeseník in the Moravian-Silesian Region, and although it is not generally so well known and visited, it has one important primacy. It is the oldest city in the Czech Republic. In addition,…
Buštěhrad - a small town in the shadow of Kladno
Buštěhrad, formerly Buštěves or Buckov, is a city between Kladno and Prague. He began writing his history much earlier than his district town. The first mention dates back to 1209. At that time there was a castle, around which the village…
The most famous and most visited spa in the Czech Republic, whose fame extends far beyond the borders. Every year, Karlovy Vary attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors thanks to its healing springs, the history of the city, cultural events or probably…
Southeast of Kutná Hora lies Čáslav, initially a mining town, situated on the Haberská trade route, leading from Bohemia to Moravia. Today, we can find a number of important monuments in it, and the surroundings of the city cannot be…
Česká Lípa
Approximately 65 km in the direction north of Prague we find Česká Lípa, a town which territorially falls under the Liberec region and through which the river Ploučnice flows. The historic core of Česká Lípa is located on its…
České Budějovice - a royal city
On the way to the South Bohemian Region, stop in České Budějovice, in the administrative center of the region and also in the famous cultural metropolis. They have a lot to offer, from many historical monuments to, for example, cultural and…
Český Krumlov
The town of Český Krumlov is one of the most important tourist centers in southern Bohemia. Every year, thousands of visitors from the Czech Republic and abroad are attracted here not only by the beautiful and extensive castle and chateau complex,…
Český Těšín
In the history of Silesia, more than the 8th century BC, you would look for Těšín somewhere completely different from today. The original Starý Těšín was located near Chotěbuz (in the Czech Republic). The relocation to…
The West Bohemian town on the river Ohře boasts above all a charming surroundings and a strategic location close to the towns of the "spa triangle", ie Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně and Františkovy Lázně. But…
Approximately 20 km from Pardubice lies the district town of Chrudim, which is currently home to more than 24,000 inhabitants. It is often nicknamed the "Athens of Eastern Bohemia" and boasts a number of interesting places, monuments and the…
The lowest town in the Czech Republic is located in the Ústí nad Labem Region at an altitude of 135 meters, at the confluence of the Ploučnice and Elbe rivers. It is one of the ten largest cities in our republic and currently has around 53…
One of the district towns in the Pilsen Region is Domažlice, located on the Zubřina stream and an elongated floor plan. They are about 14 km away from the German border, have about 11,000 inhabitants and are currently one of the most popular tourist…
Františkovy Lázně, the smallest town in the "spa triangle", which also includes Karlovy Vary and Mariánské Lázně, is one of the most charming spa towns in the Czech Republic. In their vicinity is not only the…
Frýdek - Místek
The town of Frýdek-Místek is located on both banks of the river Ostravice. Territorially it belongs to the Moravian-Silesian region and it is the river that creates the natural border not only between Frýdek and Místek, but…
Harrachov - not just a winter resort
The city of Harrachov has most people associated with skiing and it is no wonder, because it is an important mountain resort. You can find it in the Giant Mountains, at the foot of the Devil's Mountain in the valley of the river Mumlava. In winter,…
Havířov is the youngest town in the Czech Republic, which was established as a necessary need related to the industrial development of the Ostrava region. Originally, it was only a new suburb of Ostrava, which was to satisfy the accommodation needs…
Havlíčkův Brod
In the Czech Republic we can find only a few towns that bear the name of their famous native, but Havlíčkův Brod is one of these handful. We are talking about Havlíčkův Brod, a district town in the Vysočina region, which was named after the…
It is about 50 km southeast of Brno, has about 26,000 inhabitants and is located on the Morava River. We are talking about the picturesque South Moravian town of Hodonín, the birthplace of the first Czechoslovak president Tomáš…
Holašovice - open-air museum of folk architecture
Are you a passionate visitor to UNESCO monuments or lovers of folk architecture? It can be said with almost certainty that if none of your hobbies apply to you, you will be thrilled by Holašovice, a small village in southern Bohemia! It also…
Hoštice u Volyně
Who wouldn't know her? A small village in southern Bohemia, near Strakonice, set in a magical region, but generally almost insignificant. Were it not for the commercial success of the film trilogy Sun, Hay, ... it would be difficult for crowds of…
Hradec Králové
In the northeast of Bohemia we find one of the largest and most important cities in the Czech Republic. It has a rich history, attracts tourists with many monuments and interesting places and is the capital of Eastern Bohemia. At present, there live…
Jablonec nad Nisou
Jablonec nad Nisou, a town situated on the river of the same name just a few kilometers west of Liberec, can be considered a jewel of the Liberec region and a center of culture and sports. It is inextricably linked with glassmaking and jewelery and…
Jeseník - Priessnitz Spa
Hydrotherapy has already helped many patients with their health problems. But do you know where this method evolved and who was its founder? If you haven't heard about it yet, but would like to know the answer, read on.
Where Moravia clashes with Bohemia, lies the town of Jihlava, the center of the Vysočina region, the oldest upper town in the Czech lands. Currently, Jihlava has more than 50,000 inhabitants and can be found in a picturesque hilly landscape, surrounded by…
Jindřichův Hradec - monument reservation
One of the most beautiful towns in southern Bohemia and perhaps in the Czech Republic can be found in the eastern part of the South Bohemian region and has about 22,000 inhabitants. It is set in the Jindřichův Hradec mountains near the Nežárka…
Karlova Studánka - spa
Do you know where the cleanest air in the whole of Central Europe is, according to measurements? The place is the Karlova Studánka spa, where you can really breathe out of your lungs. People with respiratory diseases are the most common patients to…
Less than 20 km east of Ostrava, in the Moravian-Silesian Region, at the northern edge of the Beskydy foothills lies the town of Karviná, whose northern region forms the border with Poland. The city is inextricably linked with mining, but we also…
To the west of Prague lies Kladno, the largest city in the Central Bohemian Region, which is usually primarily associated with hard coal mining, and which today has more than 71,000 inhabitants. It is surrounded by a beautiful landscape full of dense…
A city with a rich history, a unique atmosphere, a city which, thanks to its location, has earned the name "gate of Šumava", known as Klatovy and lies about 40 km south of Pilsen. At present, Klatovy has about 23,000 inhabitants and…
The city with more than 30,000 inhabitants, which is an important railway junction and connection between Prague, Brno, Ostrava and Olomouc, is located about 60 km east of Prague and is known as Kolín. It lies in the fertile Elbe lowlands and…
There are theories that if St. Wenceslas had not won the legendary battle of Štolmíř, but Prince Radslav of Kouřim, Kouřim might have been our capital today. However, a similar situation did not occur, so today Kouřim is a quiet Central…
Haná Athens - this is how it is nicknamed Kroměříž, one of the most beautiful cities in the whole of Moravia and undoubtedly in the Czech Republic. It is located in the Zlín Region, has approximately 30,000 inhabitants and in 1997 was…
Kutna Hora - the city of silver
One of the most beautiful cities not only in the Central Bohemian Region, but also in the whole Czech Republic, we find about 60 km east of Prague. Due to its charm and unique architectural heritage, this city is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage…
Ledce - forgotten spa
We invite you to take a walk around the places where spa guests of famous names walked 100 years ago - Karolína Světlá, František Palacký, Josef Jungmann or Karel Havlíček Borovský. He was recovering here after…
Liberec attracts its visitors not only with the Zoo and IQ Park, but also with other sights. The town can be found in a valley surrounded by the Lusatian and Jizera Mountains. There are great conditions for skiing all around. The Ještěd mountain …
Lipno nad Vltavou
Lipno nad Vltavou is known throughout the Czech Republic mainly due to the reservoir. It is originally a lumbering village, which has gradually turned into a well-known recreation center, which is every year, especially in summer, an extremely popular…
Northbohemian Litoměřice is located at the confluence of the Ohře and Elbe rivers at the borders of the Bohemian Central Mountains and the Elbe Lowlands. The picturesque location, rich history and many monuments rank Litoměřice among the most beautiful…
At the borders of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands in Eastern Bohemia, we find Litomyšl, one of the most charming towns in our republic. It is approximately 170 km from the capital city of Prague, and although it is small in size and has a…
Pearl on the river Ohře - this is how it is nicknamed the town of Louny, which can be found in northwestern Bohemia, in the Ústí nad Labem region. Its location is also a kind of gateway to the Bohemian Central Mountains and can boldly boast…
Luhačovice - spa town
Luhačovice is the largest spa in Moravia and the fourth largest in the Czech Republic. It lies in the southeast of Moravia, in the picturesque landscape of the White Carpathians. The first written mention of the local settlement comes from the beginning…
Luisa's Valley
Luisa's Valley is a picturesque mountain settlement near Velká Deštná right in the very heart of the Orlické Mountains. It was founded in the 19th century and is mentioned in historical sources in connection with the year…
Mariánské Lázně
Mariánské lázně forms the top of the imaginary spa triangle of western Bohemia, the other two tips of which represent Karlovy Vary and Františkovy lázně. During its glorious history, countless personalities of world…
Mladá Boleslav - a city of cars
Less than an hour's drive northeast of Prague we find Mladá Boleslav, a statutory town in the Central Bohemian Region with more than 46,000 inhabitants. The history of this important industrial center is more than a thousand years long and it…
The North Bohemian Bridge is located north of Teplice and at the same time in the central part of the West Bohemian Coal Basin. It is connected mainly with industry and mining, but even so, at the outskirts of the bridge there are forests with the nearby…
Náchod is only 4 km away from the Polish border and about 40 km from Hradec Králové. There are many monuments and interesting places, it is relatively close to both the Eagle Mountains and the Giant Mountains, and currently Ná…
Nové Město n. Metují
Approximately 10 km in the direction south of Náchod lies Nové Město nad Metují, a picturesque place in the foothills of the Orlické Mountains and in the Hradec Králové Region. Its historic core is situated on an…
Nový Jičín
The Moravian-Silesian Region also includes the district town of Nový Jičín, which may be more than a pleasant surprise for a newcomer. The local historical core is fabulously beautiful, as is the picturesque nature at the southern edge of…
Only 45 km east of the capital city of Prague we find Nymburk, a city situated on the river Elbe, in which we find a number of historical monuments. It is an important railway junction, a city whose center is a city monument zone, and where more than 14…
Olomouc - the pearl of Haná
Olomouc is the capital of Haná, which can be found in the center of Moravia. More precisely, we mean the sixth largest city in the republic, which boasts a university, a large number of monuments, and also an inscription on the UNESCO list. In…
In the fertile valley on the river Opava lies the statutory town of the same name, territorially falling under the Moravian-Silesian Region and between 1742 and 1928 holding the status of the capital in Bohemian Silesia.
Ostrava is already a remarkable concept in the Czech Republic. Although today in this city we only meet the remnants of the metallurgical industry, most people still look at Ostrava from the perspective of times long past. However, hard coal mining has…
Many surprises await you, world uniques, historical spiceries, all presented in a non-traditional guise.
You will be amazed, you will laugh and you will be frozen by the events that this small area passed through in the context of world history, in which…
Pardubice - the city of gingerbread
The East Bohemian town and metropolis of the Pardubice region is located at the confluence of the Elbe and Chrudimka rivers and is one of the most beautiful towns in Eastern Bohemia. Today, Pardubice has a population of around 90,000 and is inextricably…
The district town of Pelhřimov is located at the south-eastern edge of Bohemia and southwest of Humpolec. In the landscape valley between the banks of the river Bělá, the picturesque and ancient Pelhřimov is literally hidden.
Petrovice and surroundings
The picturesque Petrovicko region on the border of Central and Southern Bohemia belongs to the tourist area of Toulava. In addition to being rich in interesting hiking and biking trails, rare fauna and flora and cultural monuments, it is also known as the…
Pilsen - West Bohemian metropolis
The West Bohemian metropolis and the largest city in the Pilsen Region is situated at the confluence of the Radbuza, Mže, Úslava and Úhlava rivers. It is the second largest city in the Czech Republic and the fourth largest city in the Czech…
Písek - royal town
On the river Otava, at the foot of the Písek Mountains and about 45 km northwest of České Budějovice, we find the picturesque South Bohemian town of Písek. It is the third largest city in southern Bohemia, has a population of almost…
The charming location in the Elbe lowlands on the banks of the river Elbe, only less than 50 km east of Prague, makes Poděbrady an exceptionally picturesque Central Bohemian town, sought after not only by tourists but also by spa patients. In any case,…
Prague - Hradčany
Today, Hradčany is a Prague city district, divided between the city districts and the city districts of Prague 1 and Prague 6. The most famous place in the whole of Hradčany is undoubtedly Prague Castle, one of the most famous European castles and the…
Prague - Lesser Town
The Lesser Town in Prague was probably inhabited as early as the 8th century. At that time there were separate settlements Úvoz, Nebovidky, Obora and others. The city was founded by King Přemysl Otakar in the second year of 1257 and was originally…
Prague New Town
At present, the New Town of Prague is part of the city district of Prague 2, as well as a beautiful and historically exceptional city district, which at the time was one of the most modern cities in all of Europe.
Prague Old Town
Today, the Old Town of Prague is an urban district of the capital city of Prague, situated on the right bank of the Vltava River, and territorially part of the Prague 1 district.
The district town of Přerov lies in the approximate center of Moravia and in the Olomouc Region. It is an important traffic junction and the seat of major industrial companies, such as Precheza, Přerov Engineering Works and Meopta. The city is also…
At the western edge of the fertile Haná and in the north of the Upper Moravian gorge we find Prostějov, a district town belonging to the Olomouc region. The city, where more than 45,000 people live today, has become famous mainly thanks to…
An important industrial and cultural center of Central Bohemia, the town of Rakovník, which today has more than 17,000 inhabitants, can be found about 60 km west of Prague. The Rakovnický stream flows through it, it is located in places…
Rezek - a former spa
Approximately 1.5 km from Nové Město nad Metují you will find Rezek - a former spa - in the wooded surroundings. They are located in a romantic valley and breathtaking landscape with a variety of trip tips. Although it no longer serves its…
Rokycany is a picturesque West Bohemian town, situated at the confluence of the Holoubkovský brook and the Klabava river, approximately 20 km west of Pilsen and in the basin of one of the Brd promontories. The city is located directly on the main…
Roudnice nad Labem
On the left bank of the Elbe, southeast of Litoměřice, we find Roudnice nad Labem, a town that is ideal as a base for business walks and trips to the surroundings. It is one of the oldest cities in the Czech Republic.
Rožnov pod Radhoštěm - open-air museum
The largest and oldest open-air museum in Central Europe is definitely worth a visit. In three parts you can see 150 monuments, where you will learn a lot of interesting things from the life of our ancestors.
Rychnov nad Kněžnou
On the left bank of the river Kněžná we find Rychnov nad Kněžnou, a district town and the center of the foothills of the Eagle Mountains, located in the northeast of Bohemia. There are a number of interesting places, especially the castle, and in…
Sedmihorky - spa
Sedmihorky can be found about half a kilometer from Karlovice, under which, due to its size (or rather smallness), they fall. You may be surprised, but even though the local spa is one of the oldest in Bohemia, until 1966 Sedmihorky was a dozen Nova Ves.
Slaný - royal town
The Central Bohemian town of Slaný can be found about 25 km northwest of the capital city of Prague, on the banks of the Červený potok. More than 15,000 inhabitants live here and its dominant feature is Slánská hora.
Slavonice - Renaissance Town
Do you know the town of Telč and its beautiful houses with painted gables? And did you know that in the Moravian part of the South Bohemian Region there is another similar town, which is even nicknamed "Malá Telč"? They are Slavonice, a…
Smečno, a city with a dragon history
The cruel knight Bořita used to live in the Smečen castle. His only son fell in love with a simple girl, and the evil and greedy father agreed to the wedding on the condition that the bride bring a golden crown as a wreath. On the advice of a spice worker…
Sobotka - the gateway to the Bohemian Paradise
Sobotka is a small picturesque town not far from Jičín, which is called the southern gate of the Bohemian Paradise. The city may seem a bit tucked away and forgotten, but it seems deceptive, because it is a place with a strong history and a rich…
Spa Třeboň
The area of southern Bohemia and the Třeboň region is a region of ponds and the town of Třeboň itself lies directly between the two of them. On one side it is the Svět pond, on the other Rožmberk and both are connected by the Třeboň flowing Zlatá…
Only 16 km in the direction north of Olomouc we find Šternberk, whose core is a city monument zone. Territorially it falls under the Olomouc region and is located in a valley at the western edge of the Low Jeseník. The city has a number of…
At the northwest of southern Bohemia and the confluence of the Otava and Volyňka rivers, we find the district town of Strakonice, which today has more than 24,000 inhabitants. It boasts a rich history, a number of cultural monuments and picturesque…
It is called the Gate of the Jeseníky Mountains - it lies at the crossroads of various roads and railways, which stretch to the Jeseníky Mountains. In addition, when you come to Šumperk from the village of Bludov, a wonderful panorama…
Svatý Jan pod Skalou
The village of Svatý Jan pod Skalou, small in size and population, but large in its history and rich in sights and beauty of its surroundings, lies east of Beroun, in the middle of the Czech Karst.
East Bohemian Svitavy is located in the southeastern part of the Czech Plateau, in the foothills of the Eagle Mountains, which can be considered a great starting point for hiking and biking trips to the surrounding area, which has many interesting places,…
Tábor - the town of Jan Žižka
It is the second largest city in the South Bohemian region, with a population of 37,000, a river north of České Budějovice and its core a conservation area. We are talking about the town of Tábor, one of the most beautiful towns in southern…
Although territorially falls under the Vysočina region, many consider it a gateway to southern Bohemia. It is one of the most beautiful towns in the Czech Republic, located east of Jindřichův Hradec and known as Telč.
Approximately 15 km in the direction north of Ústí nad Labem lies Teplice, occupying a position between the Ore Mountains and the Bohemian Central Mountains. Every year, many tourists and visitors are attracted to Teplice, especially by the…
Tetín u Berouna
Tetín is one of the oldest villages in Bohemia. According to legend, it was supposed to be the seat of Kroka's daughter Aunt. The oldest finds from the cadastre of the village come from the Paleolithic. We also know for sure that there used to…
It belongs to the district of Brno-venkov and lies about 23 km northwest of the Moravian metropolis. The town of Tišnov is set in the picturesque landscape of Podhorácko, near the confluence of the Svratka and the Elbe, in the charming…
Třebíč - Jewish quarter
Maybe few of you have any idea how valuable a unique thing we can see in Třebíč. The local Jewish quarter has been preserved in its entirety to this day, it is the only completely preserved Jewish quarter in Europe and outside the region of Israel…
In the direction north of Hradec Králové, in the north-eastern part of Bohemia, lies the district town of Trutnov, considered the gateway to the Giant Mountains. The town through which the river Úpa flows has picturesque surroundings…
Uherské Hradiště
In the area of south-eastern Moravia and to the east of Brno, we find Uherské Hradiště, a district town in the Zlín Region, located between the Chřiby Mountains and the Vizovice Highlands. The Prakšická vrchovina nature…
Uherský Brod
In the picturesque area of fertile Slovácko, in the southeastern part of Moravia and in the direction south of Zlín we find Uherský Brod, a town with about 18,000 inhabitants and a charming surrounding landscape, offering views of the…
Úštěk - bird houses
Perhaps few tourists know about its beauty. This is one of the smallest urban conservation areas in the Czech Republic and a small town, located right in the middle of the road from Česká Lípa to Litoměřice. Its name is Úštěk…
Ústí nad Labem
The seventh largest city in the Czech Republic is located at the confluence of the Bílina and Elbe rivers, right in the center of the Bohemian Central Mountains. It boasts a number of historical monuments, many interesting places and even the…
Vesec u Sobotky - Liptákov
Vesec u Sobotky can be found about 3 kilometers from the square in Sobotka. It is a traditional village, which has about 27 house numbers, in which only 12 people live permanently. The history of the village dates back to the eleventh century. In 1995, it…
The center of Wallachia, the district town and the cultural center of the Zlín Region can be found at the foot of the Vizovické, Vsetínské and Hostýnské hills and the Vsetínská Bečva river, which…
Vyškov - Moravian Versailles
The South Moravian district town of Vyškov is located approximately 30 km from Brno, almost in the middle of Moravia, surrounded by the Upper Moravian gorge, the Drahanská Highlands and the Litenčický Hills. The area around Vy&scaron…
Vysoké Mýto
In the area near the Eagle Mountains, in Eastern Bohemia and about 40 km southeast of Hradec Králové we find Vysoké Mýto, a town through which the river Loučná flows. About 12 and a half thousand people live here and it…
Žďár nad Sázavou
It is a district town, which stretches in the middle of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands near the border of Bohemia and Moravia and belongs to a certain part of the Žďárské vrchy Protected Landscape Area. The town, known as Žďár nad S…
Železný Brod
At the entrance to Železný Brod you will be really pleasantly surprised, a really beautiful town. The surroundings of the city are mountainous and beautifully green. In summer it is beautiful here, but in winter there must be snowdrifts ...
The area on both banks of the Dřevnice River, on the border of the Hostýn Hills and the Zlín Highlands, lies Zlín, the center of the Zlín Region and a town with 80,000 inhabitants. Thanks to its development and construction, Zl…
The village of Zlonice, founded in the 9th century, has a special charm if you can watch. Especially if you are an admirer of old architecture, patinated over time. If you decide to discover the beauty and attractions of this Central Bohemian village,…
Znojmo - nature and wine
South Moravian Znojmo, located about 50 km southwest of Brno, is located on the left bank of the river Dyje. It is a very popular tourist destination with many cultural monuments and also one of the oldest cities in the Czech Republic, which is famous for…