Fort Fortress XIII. Olomouc
Fort Fortress XIII. is part of the Olomouc fortress. It is currently in private hands and is open to the public and can be said to have barrier-free access. In addition to the fort architecture itself, you can see pieces of contemporary military equipment and a giant model of the entire Imperial-Royal Olomouc Fortress.
Information for visitors
Interesting facts Fort Fortress XIII. Olomouc
Plans for the construction of the fortress XIII. were developed by Colonel Julie von Wurmb at the end of 1850 and together with four other forts were to be built over the next 3 years. Construction began as early as 1850, and in the autumn of the same year, preparations were underway to defend against the impending Prussian attack. At that time, the fortress took the form of a rampart with a moat, which was equipped with a palisade and cannons. Behind the rampart were wooden houses for 90 men, powder rooms and kitchens. The first masonry work on the fort took place in the summer of 1851. The construction of the fort was completed in 1853, followed by work on the interior and terrain, which was completed in 1854, when the fort was equipped with a telegraph.
Fortress XIII. it has a pentagonal floor plan, the core of which is formed by a horseshoe-shaped barracks building with a courtyard and caponier. The barracks building made of gray masonry include valuable architectural elements, such as battlements, bay windows or rafters.
In the direction of Olomouc there is a brick building, built on a hexagonal floor plan. The building itself is mostly brick, complete with quarry stone.
Today, visitors can take a tour of the fortress with a guide who will provide them with an expert explanation of the history of the fortress, the present and future state of the fort. The object is accessible by prior arrangement.
Fort Fortress XIII. can be found on the old road to Prostějov. Tram numbers 1 and 4 run directly from Olomouc, with stops at the Nová Ulice station. From here it is necessary to go about 50 m uphill and at the crossroads turn left and continue straight for less than a kilometer.
Author: Andrea Štyndlová