Drnov and Smečno bunkers - military open-air museum
The Prague line is part of the fortress defense system of our republic, built in 1936-1938. In an incredible 2.5 years, a total of almost 10,000 light fortifications armed with machine guns and 263 heavy fortifications, equipped with anti-tank guns, mortars and a permanent crew, were built. After the capture of the Czech Republic by Germany, most bunkers were blasted or poured with concrete. Unfortunately, they also served the German army as training facilities in training the mining of fortifications and as a source of quality cast iron for the German armaments industry.
Information for visitors
Interesting facts Drnov and Smečno bunkers - military open-air museum
In the post-war period, some defensive structures on the borders with Germany and Austria were reactivated and three artillery fortresses were used as army ammunition depots.
The outer fortifications of Prague, or the Prague Line, consisted of over 800 light fortifications stretching from Mělník through Kladensko, Beroun and Mníšek pod Brdy to the Slapy reservoir. Today, thanks to military history enthusiasts, we can admire some of the remaining objects in the state in which they were prepared to protect our country.
We invite you to the Military Open-Air Museum Smečno, located between Kladno and Slaný, which boasts two fully renovated light fortifications. You can find one of them directly in the village, near the Smečenský chateau. It is the first reconstructed building of this type in the Czech Republic. Work began on its restoration in 1991. For another pride of the open-air museum, you have to drive 8 km to the village of Drnov u Slaného. There, near the solitude of Mlýnek, you can admire the only surviving building model 36 of the 77 pieces that were part of the Prague Line. Both buildings have full original equipment and will give you the most authentic idea of the conditions and possibilities of our pre-war fortifications.
In addition to bunkers, the open-air museum will offer you a relatively extensive tour of military equipment near Smečenský řopík. It is more modern, but from the legendary "father", Jawa 350 or engineer rescue tank, big and small men will find it difficult to break away.
In the 1990s, a larger and more distant building was added to the light fortifications, an infantry cabin in the Trutnov region. Although the reconstruction and maintenance of buildings and equipment is certainly very time-consuming and financially demanding, the members of the military open-air museum association also organize various accompanying events.
Author: Ivana Dondová