Hrádek u Nechanic
Do you know the fairy tales The Prince and the Evening Star, Anička with Hazelnuts, the films The Necklace, Jana Eyrová, The Dark Blue World, The Angel's Face? And do you know what they have in common? They were all filmed at the Hrádek u Nechanic chateau. Although this castle cannot boast several hundred years of history, even in the short period of its existence there is definitely something to look at.
Information for visitors
Interesting facts Hrádek u Nechanic
The chateau was built as a representative seat of Count František Arnošt Harrach in the years 1839 - 1857. It is built in the Tudor Gothic style. It is surrounded by an English park, in the part of which a game park and a pheasant house were established. In 1945 it was nationalized on the basis of Beneš's decrees, since 1953 it has been open to the public and in 2001 it was declared a National Cultural Monument.
The interiors of the castle are very luxurious, there are many antique elements, mainly from Italy and Austria. The walls are decorated with gilded calfskin wallpaper, carved wooden ceilings are a work of art. There are also rare paintings by German masters from the end of the 15th century. A rarity includes a set of paintings of anatomical anomalies from the 18th century.
The whole castle tries to give the impression that it is much older than it really is, the architects have managed to confuse the uninitiated, for example, the ceiling in the Countess' Bedroom is decorated with bolts that look like wood, but in reality it is only painted plaster. The western staircase looks like stone, but it is made of wood, which has been painted with a mixture of plaster, sand and dyes so perfectly that it is indistinguishable from real sandstone.
There are also several attractions and conveniences, such as a library with artificial books that mask secret doors, decorated cabinets to go to the toilet, the first digital clock from England in 1930 or a flintlock alarm clock in the Earl's Office. It worked by setting the desired hour on the watch movement, in which the flint drew a spark, which lit the cigar of a miniature cannon, which fired and woke the count.
If you are a golf lover, then know that in the immediate vicinity of the castle there is a golf course, including a training center. Children can try archery and go for a carriage ride together.
Author: Marie Bukovinská