Křížová hora lookout tower
Get to know the region around Červená Voda from a bird's eye view and visit the lookout tower on Křížová hora!
Information for visitors
Interesting facts Křížová hora lookout tower
Approximately 45 km from Ústí nad Orlicí to the northeast and about 2 km from Červená Voda to the southeast is Křížová hora. The local lookout tower, located at an altitude of 735 meters, has stood here since 2007.
Its total height is 25 meters. Its viewing platform is located at a height of 22 meters and 130 steps lead to it. In addition to the village of Červená Voda, you can watch such as Suchý vrch or Králický Sněžník.
Access to the lookout tower is very easy. Tourists just need to follow the yellow tourist sign leading from Červená Voda.
During the winter season, from November to the end of March, the lookout tower is closed. However, if the weather is nice and you create a group of at least five people, it is possible to get to the lookout tower by appointment at the Municipal Office in Červená Voda.
In April and October it is open on weekends from 1 pm to 3 pm.
In May, June and September, it is also only open on weekends, from 10:00 until 17:00.
During the holidays it is open daily from 10 am to 5 pm.
The lookout tower, located on the border of the Hrubý Jeseník and Orlické Mountains, is truly unique. Křížová hora, on which the lookout tower stands, is also a well-known excursion and pilgrimage site.
A church has stood here since 1833, which was later destroyed by fire and replaced by the Church of the Transfiguration. In 1923, a wooden cottage was added. In 1933, the Křížové hory Association was established, which took care of this place. Pilgrimage festivities were held here twice a year.
After a year, however, this place began to fall into disrepair. At first it served as a training ground for our and later also the Soviet army, after which the church and the cottage were demolished. The Stations of the Cross were also destroyed forever.
It was not until the end of the last century that the restoration of the church began to be considered, but this idea was pushed out by the idea of building a lookout tower here. Construction began here in May 2006 and was completed in the spring of the following year. The project was then made by architect Mádlík and the construction was supervised by Ing. Veselý from VCES, a.s.
The lookout tower has a completely unique look. The base is a reinforced concrete tube, inside which is a prefabricated staircase and landing. From the outside, the mantle of the lookout tower consists of hammered trusses and decks. Conditions for construction were often not favorable. It was accompanied by frequent rains, during which the hill became almost inaccessible for trucks. After all, the slope of the hill is up to 60 degrees in some places!
However, the original church left its imprint here and its floor plan is now depicted on the paving of a covered seating area, which was built under the lookout tower for the purpose of holding cultural events.
The lookout tower was inaugurated on June 16, 2007.
Author: Andrea Štyndlová