Mikulov Fortress
Between Mikulov and the village of Březí we find a fortress built in 1938, which includes an exposition and exhibition of weapons of the Czechoslovak People's Army, armaments and equipment. As part of the guided tour, visitors can see the CS fortifications - the infantry cabin MJ-S 29, the light fortifications of models 36 and 37 and the already mentioned equipment and weapons.
Information for visitors
Interesting facts Mikulov Fortress
In the section of Mikulov, this is the only completed fortress, which was used by the army after revitalization until 1999. On April 30, 2008, the Association of Military History was founded, whose goal is to save and renovate the infantry cabin near Mikulov and all adjacent buildings.
The fortress was included in the sub-section Mikulov and the section ŽSV XI. Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou, while on the territory of this sub-section it is the only realized isolated infantry cabin. It is two-storey, while on the upper combat floor there is a corridor with an entrance, two loopholes, a radio room and two observation bells. In the basement we find a kitchen, engine room, room for rest, washroom with toilet and well. All soldier beds are double and served for one soldier who was resting and for another who was on duty. The crew included 14 to 40 men.
In times of peace, it was customary to light kerosene lamps in the building, while during the riots, the diesel engine was started and electric lighting was switched on.
The whole building was immune to chemical attack. The air was sucked into the filters from the outside and then distributed by air conditioning throughout the fortifications. At the main shooting ranges, concrete ditches with a depth of up to 3 m were poured with concrete, the task of which was to prevent the enemy from approaching and placing charges in the area in front of the object.
The infantry cabin is open on weekends from May to October.
Author: Andrea Štyndlová