Dobrošov fortress system
In the hilly terrain of the Náchod district lies an interesting complex of buildings, built as a shield against Hitler's expanding Germany. It is a fortification system Dobrošov, which was originally supposed to have about nine fortresses, but in the end only three remained, moreover not completely completed.
Information for visitors
Interesting facts Dobrošov fortress system
The father of the whole work was the builder František Zavadil and the construction manager Vlastimil Zeithamml, who had thirty officials and nine hundred and sixty workers under him. Several companies applied for the contract for the fortress in the tender. The winner was a company called Kapsa a Müller, which was to be paid thirty-three and a half million Czechoslovak crowns for the construction of the fortress. Construction began in September 1937 and was to consist of two infantry and two artillery cabins, one artillery and one mortar rotating tower. The whole system was to complete the entrance building.
However, the events that followed provided a completely different scenario. Only three were completed, which, moreover, were never used to defend the homeland. Munich came, followed by an order not to attempt to fight the enemy in any way, ie to withdraw from combat positions, to demobilize. What this decision has done to the souls of the soldiers need not be discussed further.
The only ones who used the fortress for anything were the Germans themselves. They tested a new type of weapon here and significantly damaged one of the concrete bunkers. Not only this cabin, but also two others have been open to the public since 1968. The secrets of the half-built underground with the intricate corridors of the barracks space will certainly not leave any war technology enthusiast alone. Finding yourself suddenly in the middle of a corridor that frightens weaker characters is hard at times, but it's worth so much adrenaline in a few minutes, isn't it? What's more! You will learn a lot about the darkest times in our national history. It is necessary to keep it in mind.
Author: Marcela Horká, Vlastimil Hloupý