Monument to Gablenz battle at Trutnov
On June 27, 1866, a battle took place near Trutnov, from which the soldiers of the Austrian X. Army Regiment led by General Ludvík Gablenz emerged as victors. This important event is still commemorated by a monument in the shape of an obelisk on a hill called Šibeník near Trutnov.
Information for visitors
Interesting facts Monument to Gablenz battle at Trutnov
It was then the only battle in which the Austrian army won in 1866. The monument commemorates all those who fell in this battle, whether they were Austrian officers or soldiers from various units. Losses on the Austrian side climbed to almost five thousand casualties, which was four times higher than the number of casualties on the Prussian side.
General Ludvík Gablenz committed suicide in January 1874 in Zurich. In September 1905, his remains were transferred from Zurich to Trutnov, where they were, together with the original tombstone, stored in the crypt of the local memorial.
Directly to the monument leads an educational trail called In the footsteps of the war 1866 - Day of the Battle of Trutnov June 27, while the beginning of the route is located on Krakonoš Square in Trutnov, where the introductory panel of the section is also located. The route continues through the hill Šibeník with a monument to General Gablenz and then to the chapel of St. John the Baptist. The whole route is about 3 km long.
The local nature trail is directly connected to a cycle path approximately 11 km long, which further leads around other important places and lesser-known monuments near the Battlefield and Starý Rokytník.
Let us also mention the long-distance cycling route, which leads from the Polish border through Trutnov to Dvůr Králové nad Labem and to the battlefield itself of the decisive battle of the Prussian-Austrian war, ie to Chlum near Hradec Králové. Part of this cycling route is also the local section - the above-mentioned nature trail.
Author: Andrea Štyndlová