Náměšťská obora
When staying in Náměšť nad Oslavou or the surrounding area, you definitely cannot miss a visit to Náměšťské obory. This castle park has a long history, the stands and trees that occur here are unique. The traditional fallow deer breeding is said to have been here before the Hussite wars. You will certainly be interested in interesting species of birds or invertebrates that occur here. The park was preserved and declared a natural monument as evidence of the activities of our ancient ancestors.
Information for visitors
Interesting facts Náměšťská obora
The dominant feature of the field is the summer house
You will find the Classicist summer house in the eastern part of the game reserve, the so-called Kralické part, because the game reserve is located in the cadastral area of Náměšť, Kralice nad Oslavou and Otradice. The summer house dates from the first half of the 19th century and was built at the request of Jindřich Haugwitz and is the dominant feature of the entire field. The Haugwitz family owned the estate until 1945 and paid attention to the development of the town and culture. The Summer Palace (Lusthaus) is one of the works that you can personally admire.
The park is a historical and European site
The park became a site of European importance in 2004, a natural monument since 1981. If you were looking for written mentions of the park itself, you would go to the first half of the 17th century, when the Žerotín family sold the estate to Albrecht of Wallenstein. The park was already large at that time, the length of the enclosure was close to 9 km. The contract already specifically mentions the field with all its accessories.
In the field you will meet rare plants and animals
In Náměšťská obora you will find not only rare plants, but also animals. Natura 2000 applies here, which mainly protects beetles - blackbirds, longhorn beetles or brown stink bugs. The local breeding of spotted fallow deer is of European importance. The vegetation of the field is made up of very old deciduous trees, you can also see the whole system of cascading lakes with their inhabitants. You can also admire the local pheasant house.
Author: Helena Syslová