Výlety technical monuments Královehradecký kraj
Tips for trips on portal Toulejse.cz can be sorted by district, region or favorite area. In this category you choose from the menu Technical monuments Královehradecký kraj. In addition to the description and photos, you will find the exact location of the place.
Hučák Hydroelectric Power Plant Hradec Králové
Next to the power plant in Hradec Králové, a hydroelectric power plant was established in 1912. At present, there is an information center with interactive exhibits, which try to introduce visitors to the possibilities of using water, sun,…
Les Království Reservoir
The red roof of the stone turrets, located on the crown of the dam, looks from a distance like a castle with a fairytale atmosphere. However, it is a building that was declared a technical monument in 1964, and which today is one of the most visited dams…