Výlety technical monuments Olomoucký kraj
Tips for trips on portal Toulejse.cz can be sorted by district, region or favorite area. In this category you choose from the menu Technical monuments Olomoucký kraj. In addition to the description and photos, you will find the exact location of the place.
Dlouhé Stráně Hydroelectric Power Plant Loučná nad Desnou
According to a source idnes.cz, the Dlouhé Stráně hydroelectric power plant is one of the seven greatest wonders of the Czech Republic. It is also one of the most important Czech monuments, for example alongside such pearls as Hluboká…
Manual papermill Large Losiny Inc.
In the Czech Republic, the handmade paper mill in Velké Losiny is the only one of its kind. The paper factory has been operating here continuously since the 16th century to the present day and is one of the few last proofs of how the old paper…