Výlety museums Jihočeský kraj
Tips for trips on portal Toulejse.cz can be sorted by district, region or favorite area. In this category you choose from the menu Museums Jihočeský kraj. In addition to the description and photos, you will find the exact location of the place.
Hořice na Šumavě Radio Museum
In the village of Hořice na Šumavě you will find an interesting museum, whose exposition consists of radios, and which was actually created by chance. Mr. Antonín Brodňanský was engaged in the repair of old radios, so people wore old…
Museum of Slaves Slavonice
The Jindřichův Hradec region or Czech Canada is a region characterized by a harsher climate, a melancholic atmosphere and, last but not least, dense forests. It is no wonder that in addition to many natural monuments, reservations and rock formations, you…