Výlety church monuments Zlín
Tips for trips on portal Toulejse.cz can be sorted by district, region or favorite area. In this category you choose from the menu Church monuments Zlín. In addition to the description and photos, you will find the exact location of the place.
Basilica of Saint Hostyn
Although today the Czech Republic is a country dominated by non-believers, there are a large number of religious monuments in our territory and many of them are important places of pilgrimage. The most important Marian pilgrimage site in Moravia is the…
Malenisko - Marian pilgrimage site
Do you like quiet places associated with faith and contemplation, ideally paired with beautiful nature? Such a possibility will be offered by a place called Malenisko less than two kilometers from the village of Provodov, located on the border between…
Velehrad - Cyril and Methodius pilgrimage site
Velehrad is one of the most important places of pilgrimage in the Czech Republic, which has been much talked about lately. In 2013, the 1150th anniversary of the arrival of the missionaries Cyril and Methodius in Moravia was celebrated, and it is with…