

Výlety church monuments Vysočina

Tips for trips on portal can be sorted by district, region or favorite area. In this category you choose from the menu Church monuments Vysočina. In addition to the description and photos, you will find the exact location of the place.

Basilica of St. Prokop in Třebíč

At the time when one of the first Gothic cathedrals began to grow in France, and when buildings even more closely related to the ancient style were being built in Germany, the Basilica of St. Prokop in Třebíč, reflecting a number of different…

Church of St. Jan Nepomucký Žďár nad Sázavou

The transformation of Gothic elements into the spirit of the Baroque style first appeared in our country at the beginning of the 18th century. The style is called Baroque Gothic and its best example is probably the Church of St. Jahorna Nepomuckého…

Hospital in Velké Meziříčí

Hospital Church of St. Kříže was part of the city hospital from the 14th century. Under the floor is a crypt where members of the Meziříčský family from Lomnice are buried. At a time when non-Catholics predominated in Meziříč…

Třebíč City Tower

If you go to Třebíč to admire the monuments inscribed on the UNESCO list, take a moment for one that is not registered there. Why? Simply because it offers you the most beautiful view of the city and its surroundings that you could wish for. The…