Výlety natural attractions Šumava
Tips for trips on portal Toulejse.cz can be sorted by district, region or favorite area. In this category you choose from the menu Natural attractions Šumava. In addition to the description and photos, you will find the exact location of the place.
Black Lake
Černé jezero, 6 km from Železná Ruda and 1 km from the German border, belongs to one of the Šumava natural reservoirs. Its area is more than 18 ha, the depth reaches up to 40 m and together with the Devil's Lake it has been a…
Boubín forest
Come with us on the Boubín Forest Trail, where nature is in its original, unfettered form, without human intervention. The spruces here reach a height of up to 50 m, young trees grow from old stumps, the trunks are intertwined in all sorts of ways.…
Kunisch Mountains
Do you know the history of the Šumava borderland? Do you want to relax in a beautiful landscape and get rid of everyday worries, at least for a while? Try the Royal Forest.
Malá niva
Put on sturdy shoes, sit on a bike or stand on cross-country skis and go to the most beautiful nature that the Czech Republic has to offer. To the National Park and Protected Landscape Area Šumava, specifically to the territory of Malá Niva.
Modravské slatě
If you search for the springs of many streams in Šumava, you will find that they originate in the area of the largest complex of upland peat bogs called Modravské slatě. This site is located in the first zone of the national park, and…
Plešné jezero Šumava
If you go on a holiday to Lipno and if you are looking for a good tip for a trip to the surroundings, then know that Plešné Lake is one of the most beautiful places you will find in this area. The very path to it is breathtaking! It leads…
The Vydra River winds through a canyon with many rapids, waterfalls, cascades and boulders between the former settlement of Antýgl and Čeňková pila. The river section is boulder-like, lying in a wooded valley, on the slopes of which there…
Stožecká skála
One of the dominants of the Šumava National Park is Stožecká skála. If you climb the forested hill Stožec, you will find that you have found yourself in a nature reserve, which is dominated by a granite rock. It was named Stožeck…
Three-border mountain
Part of the 1st zone of the Šumava National Park is also the natural monument Trojmezná hora. You can find it in the Prachatice district, near the village of Nová Pec. This includes the area of the whole Trojmezná and Plech…
Vltava meadow
The unique area of the upper Vltava is inaccessible to the public, so you can see the Vltava meadow only from the boat. You can only get here on a boat if there is enough water. Due to the lush vegetation on the banks, the movement here would be quite…